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Move To Random Position Node

Behavior Tree Editor



The move to random position node moves the associated AI to a random position within a given radius using a navmesh or rigidbody. Returns running while moving and success when it reaches the random position. If neither a navmesh or rigidbody is attached to the AI the return is failure. Node as no children.


  • Radius (float) - The radius around the origin from which the random position points are taken.

  • Origin (vector3) - The origin that the random position points are based off of.

  • Use Navmesh (bool) - If true, the node will use a navmesh to move the AI.  If false, the AI will be moved with a rigidbody.


Adding The Node:

Right click in the graph view of the behavior tree, select “MoveToRandomPosition” from the Node Menu.

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